Flight Line
We put the "O" in AOT

Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005 :: same plane another day ::

more tire work today! oh yeah! nose gear this time. The axle was really hard to get out, and when it finally did decide to budge, it had really bad galling/scarring around the center. which is weird because nothing "rides" on that part of the axle. We are replacing it with a new one though. I disassembled the tire to clean and repack the bearings only to find that one of the bearing races could rotate within the rim, um yes you guessed it- it's not supposed to do that. We didn't have another rim half to raplace that one, so I had to use another rim we had in stock that was still all assembled, so I had to disassemble that one and clean/repack the bearings. When I had just about finished packing the first one, my boss, Rick, walked up and asked "are there no tables available, or do you just like working on the floor?" I replied that I prefered to work on the floor. He saw that I was manually packing a bearing and then ask, "you know that we have a bearing packer?" to which I was humorously going to reply "yes, me." because I'm the FNG (fucking new guy). Duwayne and Matt laughed because they had seen me get grease out of the barrel but it hadn't clicked to them that that was what I was doing. Matt was impressed that my school had even taught us how to manually pack bearings. So I used the bearing packer for my second bearing. I had to clean and paint the "new" rim I was using. It all turned out looking nice. Jason found a fuel stain in the left wing and had to remove the integral tank wing section to check the seals. Terry had the whole exhaust section off today to fix the leaks it had. This plane has some problems-more than what is normally covered in an 100 hour inspection. I hope we never buy another plane from whomever we bought this one from in Florida. It was poorly maintained. I didn't take any pics today... hangs head. I will tomorrow though- I don't work Monday so hopefully I can get pics up by then =)

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 2/10

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005 :: music anyone ::

Like I really needed this to tell me my music preference, lol. They need to add more bands to get my true listening genre...

Your Taste in Music:

Classic Rock: High Influence
Country: High Influence
Hair Bands: High Influence
80's Alternative: Medium Influence
80's Rock: Medium Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
80's Pop: Low Influence
80's R&B: Low Influence
Adult Alternative: Low Influence
Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence

How's Your Taste in Music?

Your Seduction Style: The Dandy
You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations.
Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories.
It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you.
You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone.
What Is Your Seduction Style?

Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
What's Your Hidden Talent?

How You Life Your Life
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot!
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.
How Do You Live Your Life?

You Were a Raccoon
You are a master of disguise and multiple personas.
You are infinitely curious and question others without fear.
What Animal Were You In a Past Life?

You Are 24 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act?

now, my mom can never say "ask your age" - because I do! Atleast for the next 14 days... then, I need to mature another year, lol.
You Are Blitzen
Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa.

Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying!

Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini.
Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.
How Do People See You?

Music in the background:
Stress level of the Day:

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005 :: Day Two, Part Two ::

... continuing on...
I auditioned and got third chair in the concert band (1 of 13 selected) and second chair in jazz band (1 of 4 selected). Anyhow, so you've had those dreams where you wake up late, right?! Okay, I chose the shower, got dressed and whatnot. I figured I could grab mcdonalds for breakfast, again. Even though they have me come in at 730, I really don't get to work until 8 because most of the guys aren't in yet so I wait until they give me a little guidance. Today I worked on the right landing gear. The tire had to be changed because it had a severe wear spot that kind of made it squarish and would have been a bumpy ride. So when a tire comes off, you get to repack the bearings, wooo! Upon inspect the bearing cup had some pitting and discoloration, so I got to learn how to "press" out the old and in the new. It was a slow process because again, I had to look up all my information on microfische and then ask for some tools that I still don't have ((torque wrenches)). I packed both bearings and put a newer tube in the tire than was originally there (because it had some major creasing on the seams) and reassembled the rim halves and jollied it back onto the aircraft. So tomorrow I guess I will be doing more access panel inspections.

Anyway-- HI MEGAN =) SORRY I'VE BEEN SO BAD AT KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH YOU! Game plans are still on, just need to get house/apt thingy first ;)
And HI to all my other buds at Wells!( Dee, John, Joey, Lily, Cheryl, Maurio, Julie, Canita, Sharon, Annette, Anita) if there is anyone I forgot, I appologize profusely. I'm just about to head to bed. I plan to take some pictures tomorrow morning. So be sure to check back to see what's new!

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 3/10

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005 :: Day Two ::

Second day of the priviledged life of the employed started off like one of those dreams you hate having and freak out about whether or not you're dreaming it... my alarm clock didn't go off at my specified time- it didn't go off at all. Though I remember last night checking several times that it was on before I even laid down on the bed in fear of not getting back up to set it. I had been laying in bed slightly awake for a time. Then I started wondering what time it was. I know my mom had already left for work. I heard her rustling around in the livingroom... and she leaves at 4am. My body is kinda telling me that we should get up. So I decide to look at the clock. Only with my clock you cannot see the digits from any angle. You have to be head on with the clock. So I rolled up onto my butt and leaned forward to see the time. It was 6:12. I normally leave for work around 6:30, fuck. So it was decision time do I forfeit my shower or making breakfast and lunch. I can buy food... but taking a shower... I can't stand it if my hair is greasy.

So yes, that's one of those bad dreams I have. It may not be defined as "horror", but it still scarey in the dreams because you always have to be somewhere important. Of course that's not the only time I have had an alarm clock let me down. My senior year of high school, I had been practicing for the district music bands for probably 3 months, and the day of the auditions my alarm clock didn't ring. So when I finally got up, the bus had already left to go to Sterling High School. I threw a fit and I was just about ready to say "forget it" when my mom insisted that she drive me there and she did. I was late to my audition of course, but the judges were nice and still let me audition. I ended up making both bands for which I auditioned. And being that I was playing alto sax... got to go... will finish later.

Music in the background:
Stress level of the Day:

Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005 :: Here's My Day ::

Well, today was my first day as an A&P mechanic. Since it was the first day back after the christmas holiday, today was a little disorganized. I got to work early at 7:15 am. I would have been earlier, but I decided to go buy some Pepsi for work since my mom took my pepsi from the refridgerator this morning. They paired me up with Terry today to start a 100 hour inspection on a Warrior III. We did the run up inspection and instrument readings. The plane already has like 20 squaks. I started off looking at the left landing gear. The brakes were dragging pretty bad and you could see where it had been rubbing against the disc. So I took off the caliper and the wheel spun freely again. Then I inspected the pads and the bolts. Terry doesnt really measure the wear. He just eyed it with his experience. I also had to restake the caliper pins because they both had some serious wear. I showed Terry cracks in both the caliper bolts. He put it in a vise and broke it easily. So tomorrow I will look at the other side and probably bleed the brakes. And start cracking at the rest of the airframe side of the 100 hour inspection.

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 2/10

Saturday, Dec. 24, 2005 :: the eve ::

So xmas presents were opened tonight, yes on xmas eve. Surprisingly, the blue stoneware Brett knew his mom ordered was given to me as a birthday/xmas/graduation gift... lol ok it's cool. I also opened the racheting wrenches my mom bought for me-when I pointed them out at Home Depot, haha. Brett got me 12mm dice for when we start playing Shadow Run. When we get our place together.... which could be soon since the real estate prices are finally starting to come down. He also got me sapphire earrings/necklace. Very cool, though I doubt I'll get to wear them all that often. I have a few other gifts he said he decided to hold off on giving me until we go out for my bday when the rest of the family gets back from Illinois. So fun Christmas eve, nothing to out of the ordinary for my life.

Music in the background: xmas mixes
Stress level of the Day: 1/10

Friday, Dec. 23, 2005 :: working member of society ::

ok, it's official... I'm employed. I start Tuesday morning at 730 am, wee. The guys in the shop seem cool- they're all "experienced" so I will probably be teamed up until they're ready to set me loose on a 100 hour inspection. Bow at my mighty $14/hr paycheck, woowoo! There's something to said about a company who gets together with it's employees and patrons to go four wheeling in the desert for new years! ROCK!

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 2/10

Friday, Dec. 23, 2005 :: the freeway on ramp ::

I was driving into the outskirts of phoenix to pick up my man from work yesterday, and I was on 91st avenue, I think, that basically turns into the 101 loop. There are two lanes that head towards the freeway; however, they merge into one before meeting with the freeway. There is usually someone who is in so much of a hurry that they pull into the lane that merges so they can get ahead of all the other people who, planning ahead, got into the correct lane. I never give anyone the satisfaction of turning to look and giving a rude stare. I "play" the innocent girl sitting at the stop light. The light turns green and the white car next to me sped off towards the highway with a big green chevy truck whom I think had the same plan of cutting me off to get ahead of me. So, what did I do you may ask. Hm, what did I do? I fuckin' smashed the gas ;) and roared past both of them. I'll teach them never to under estimate a girl again!

I'm heading back over to Chandler Air at 1145 today to meet Mr Walkup, the owner. I could possibly be working as soon as Tuesday, fuck.

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 3/10

Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005 :: next meeting ::

I got a call back from Rick at Chandler Air Service tonight after I left Best Buy. He said I could stop in around 1145 to meet and talk with John Walkup, the owner. Rick said that John was interested in having me start as soon as Friday. Haha, I don't even know what time my tools will be getting in tomorrow. Hopefully when I'm there. THe company takes Monday off for the holiday, so I could start as soon as Tuesday, if I wanted. Weee... We'll see how the talk goes tomorrow.

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 3/10

Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005 :: rollin along ::

I got a call from TIMCO this afternoon. It turns out the recruiter that I have been calling no longer works there. So that's two recruiters come and gone since I first starting talking to the company this past summer. So I called the company again and instead of choosing the recruiter option, I chose the HR dept, and yet again, got voice mail. Chandler Air is looking like a better option. Atleast someone actually answers when I call. I've been hanging around the house playing Guild Wars and I just finished eating lunch. I was going to try to watch TV but Marcia is recording 2 things on Tivo at the moment so I can't. I ended Up watching a show on the BBC called Life with the Braithwaits or something like that. British soap operas I'm guessing?? One of the daughter's in the family got "sent down" from the University. Does that mean like failed out?? And later she was teasing her sister about not getting a part in the play school, and her sister responded with "Sod You", LOL. Oh no I'm shakin in my boots from that one... sod you, heh. I was reading a diary from my favorites list prior to writing this and she linked a "club" she went to for a holiday party. The web page was in German I believe, so I used Google to translate it. Google, I'm sorry you're a good search engine, but not so hot at translations. This is what it came back with:
Runway34 - a world-wide singular Restaurant concept leaves you the fascination flying and travel hautnah experience.
Enjoy in that Wingwalker bar your Ap�ro
and the breath-robbing outlook on the airport Kloten. You may at the sight of the starting and landing airplanes calmly also something remote pain
to arise leave.
Immediately thereafter you become our charming Flight Attendants on a culinary journey approximately over
the world kidnap, which you do not certainly forget become! Because you have already once under the wing
or beside the chassis of a Ilyushin 14
(Russian passagierflugzeug, class 1958) diniert?
Round the evening off, by taking place in our airplane and in this unique Ambiente a drink and a fine cigar goennen themselves.
Checken it with us! For an exciting lunch or an unforgettable evening in the world of the fliegerei!
I'm sure it was probably a lot of slang or cool jive words that it doesn't recognize, but it's still funny.

Music in the background: none
Stress level of the Day: 2/10

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